Plant Magic Open Top Grow Bags by Plant Magic

Plant Magic Open Top Grow Bags by Plant Magic

  • Plant Magic Open Top Grow Bags

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The Plant Magic Coco Grow Bag is the new all-in-one solution for growing healthy plants with voluminous root networks. The bags are specially designed to grow your plants directly inside them, so there is no need for the messy transfer of media to other plant pots. Plant Magic Coco Grow Bags provide all the aeration and liquid retention plants need to thrive from day one.

Like all Plant Magic coco-based products, the premium quality coconut husk is sourced from India’s largest producer for the horticulture industry. Known as coir, it is naturally high in salts which damage the root network, leading to stunted plant growth or death.

To make the coir suitable for sustaining plant life, the coir is buffered to remove excess salts, pathogens, odours, roots, and other impurities often found in coco media. As coir does not contain any of the nutrients that soil naturally does, growers have complete control over the nutritional uptake of their crop. When nutrients are added, it turns into a perfectly balanced environment for sturdy root development. It is the perfect growing media for plants requiring exact nutritional levels and environmental stability, which soil may not provide.

The grow bags themselves are perfectly designed for the substrate’s water retention. The bag is made from a durable plastic which allows the substrate to be continuously fed, without impacting drainage from around the rootzone.

The only live ingredient in Plant Magic Coco Grow Bags is a beneficial fungus called Trichoderma. These fungi colonise the rootzone and have a symbiotic relationship with the plant. Trichoderma destroy pathogens, such as other fungi and bacteria, with degrading enzymes and outcompete them for space and nutrients in the rootzone.

Due to the media’s simple ingredients list, these grow bags are perfectly matched with Plant Magic Coco A & B base nutrients and Root Stimulant. Plant Magic currently offer 4L and 7L grow bags.

SKU: ES-9701

Tags: Plant Magic, Open Top, Grow Bags

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