This web page allows you to pay for additional goods and services not listed in our ECommerce system. Please use this form only after contacting Esoteric Hydroponics and being directed to use this form by Esoteric Hydroponics. Additional items are purchased in multiples of £1, so, for example, if you are advised that a light upgrade costs £50 then please purchase 50 units of U1. If you are advised that a heavy item has a £10 surcharge, please purchase 10 u..
This web page allows you to pay for additional goods and services not listed in our ECommerce system. Please use this form only after contacting Esoteric Hydroponics and being directed to use this form by Esoteric Hydroponics. Additional items are purchased in multiples of £1, so, for example, if you are advised that a light upgrade costs £50 then please purchase 50 units of U1. If you are advised that a heavy item has a £10 surcharge, please purchase 10 u..