Product Compare (0)Neem Repel Concentrate 250ml
Use throughout the growing cycle as a preventative measure. At last a true Neem-based insect repellant that is fully compliant to agricultural legislation. Use on ornamental flowering plants, trees, shrubs and foliage. For assisting control of black spot on roses, rust, scab, powdery mildew, spider mite, aphids, whitefly, leaf hoppers, leaf spot, blight, downy mildew and botrytis. This 100% natural organic concentrate is diluted and applied with a trigger..
Ex Tax:Neem
Get the power of NEEM working for you! Sprayed on plants it provides a plant with a natural shine. NEEM is derived from the Azadirachta Indica tree which grows in Asia and Africa. The Azadirachata Indica or NEEM tree is truly a hardy tree that has many characteristics that bugs do not like...
Ex Tax:Mighty Neem
Neem oil to combat insects Mighty Neem is a strong organic pesticide. This pesticide from Sri Lanka combats insects, mites and nematodes in the soil and on the plant and promotes the development of healthy green leaves. Mighty Neem also increases the resistance of the plant...
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