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FloraDuo Grow Soft Water by Terra Aquatica (General Hydroponics)

FloraDuo Grow Soft Water by Terra Aquatica (General Hydroponics)

  • FloraDuo Grow Soft Water

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  • £15.95

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FloraDuo is a two-part mineral nutrient - FloraDuo Grow and FloraDuo Bloom. FloraDuo is a 'classic' mineral nutrient with added elements you could call 'bioactivators' that are not directly nutrients for plants. However, they improve their general health and help them to better absorb their food as well as better resisting pathogens and insect aggressions. FloraDuo is a complete nutrient especially designed for fast growing plants with a marked difference between growth and flowering needs.

It comes in two parts - FloraDuo Grow and FloraDuo Bloom. To guarantee the best results and adapt it to all regions, GHE offer the 'Grow' in two versions - one for hard water and one for soft water. FloraDuo Grow 'soft water' is for demineralised and reverse osmosis waters. FloraDuo is highly concentrated: 4ml/L are enough for a balanced and vigorous growth. FloraDuo is also user-friendly - by mixing three parts FloraDuo Grow with one part FloraDuo Bloom you will address all growth requirements. Then by reversing these proportions (three parts Bloom and one part Grow) you'll attend to all flowering needs. FloraDuo guarantees a perfect balance between growing and flowering. You do no need anything else for abundant and healthy yields.

SKU: ES-2474

Tags: FloraDuo, Grow, Soft, Water, General, Hydroponics

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