Product Compare (0)Boveda Humidity Control 58%
Boveda humidity packs provide the cleanest and most purified humidity of all other products available on the market today...
Ex Tax:Boveda Humidity Control 62%
Boveda humidity packs provide the cleanest and most purified humidity of all other products available on the market today...
Ex Tax:Boveda Butler
How does the Boveda Butler work? The Butler works by residing in the humidor. Right on top of products, or affixed to the humidor's lid. The Boveda Butler communicates via Bluetooth to the Boveda app. Using the Boveda app means users can now access the humidor's conditions all the time. History recording Fine-tune cigar hobby with real-time data. Analyse hourly, daily and monthly humidor readings. Use the findings to adjust for seasonal changes or newly..
Ex Tax: